Saturday, January 30, 2010

How Does A Virgins Vigina Look Like A Bit Shy/Afraid?

A bit Shy/Afraid? - how does a virgins vigina look like

Yes, I'm a guy and yes, I am a virgin. In fact, I never saw too much about sex in relation to the institutions. Of course, I know, and much of this process, but not yet experienced the real thing.

The thing is, I am skeptical about the Venn ABIT. No, I'm not gay, I love women, I have not really looked into it. Now I slide my computer "at" but I do not know, seems a big jump abit. I think I fear him? Haha, I mean all trapped in another body, neurological ABIT only more or less. I think it's because I lived and I am a secret do not know exactly what would happen in the feeling and mentality.

What comments would you give me? As in, what advice and knowledge?


Sakura55... said...

No offense dude, but ur freakin me out, I am a virgin and I'm very curious, but do not go in and ask, get feedback from strangers! It will probably say: "Every person is different and has a very special experience!" But anyway dude how old ru?

Everything I know on what EVERY1 I say it hurts like hell for the 1st Time to ...

Sherry C said...

I've heard it feels good. Or at least say, Black Kids and I do not know. Only the love of my stuff the whites.

michael H said...

I do not understand. How can a person may fear, Pu $ $ y!? You're probably gay, we just focus to your other questions. Sorry, does not intend to land and does not intend the word gay is an insult. Have you considered that maybe are just asexual. simply could not have sex with a girl, there is nothing wrong.

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