Why would a Bacilli or Clostridium cultrure be more resistant to disinfectants than an E.coli or Staphylococc? - e.coli more condition_treatment
because these two species produce spores that are resistant to almost any type of disinfectant .. Therefore Clostridium botulinum is a huge problem canning food ..
The spores are forms of bacteria, which is essentially in hibernation and retain only the elements required if the conditions for the spores .. May reproduce all or metabolism but do nothing but wait .. if the environment is more livable spores of bacteria reverse their shape and begin to reproduce
Bacilli form endospores, which they protect in harsh environments. E. coli does not do that.
I have the same problems. They have a number of drugs not pain relievers. She also went to physical therapy yet? It works very much time, but not enough to be used in accordance with my opinion.
In my opinion, the doctors are not really know what in most of the time. MRI does not always show the problem. In fact, his MRI was performed with a contrast?
I have the same problems. They have a number of drugs not pain relievers. She also went to physical therapy yet? It works very much time, but not enough to be used in accordance with my opinion.
In my opinion, the doctors are not really know what in most of the time. MRI does not always show the problem. In fact, his MRI was performed with a contrast?
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